BA VisionBAV ArticleJust Jen

“Ice, Ice Baby: Cold Water equals Sanity!

Who would have thought that a simple bit of cold water could change your life so much. Cold water swimming is a total game changer!

Cold Water: The Anti-Inflammatory Elixir
(and a Mum’s Secret Weapon Against Tiredness!)

Oh, the joys of motherhood! There’s nothing quite like the serene silence that fills the house after the kids are finally in bed. You know that moment? When you sink into the sofa, and for a fleeting instant, all is right with the world. And then, of course, you realise you’ve fallen asleep with a half-eaten biscuit in hand, drooling on a pile of laundry. Ah, the glamorous life!

But, my dear reader, I’ve stumbled upon a game-changer. A secret so marvellous, it’s almost magical: cold water or as i like to call it
The Wim Hof.

Yes, you heard me right. That chilly stuff that comes out of the tap. It’s not just for making your cuppa bearable on a hot day – it’s actually a superhero in disguise!

The Science-y Bit: Anti-Inflammatory Powers

First off, let’s get a tad scientific. Apparently, cold water has anti-inflammatory benefits. Who knew? Turns out, plunging yourself into the icy depths (or just splashing your face like a madwoman) can help reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation is that pesky thing that makes you feel all puffy, achy, and generally like you’ve been run over by a truck. Cold water swoops in like a caped crusader, reducing swelling and numbing pain, giving you a burst of much-needed relief.

Cold Showers: Not Just for the Brave

Now, I can hear you already. “Jen, are you seriously suggesting I take a cold shower? Have you lost what’s left of your marbles?” And trust me, I was sceptical too. The first time I tried it, I may have screamed loud enough to scare the neighbour’s cat. But oh, the rejuvenation! It’s like a shot of espresso straight to your soul. Not only does it wake you up faster than a 5 AM Lego-to-the-foot experience, but it also soothes those tired muscles from carrying children (and their mountains of stuff) around all day.

Cold Water Face Splash: The Mini-Miracle

If a full-on Arctic shower sounds like too much, fear not. The cold water face splash is where it’s at. When you’re on the brink of dozing off mid-parenting, a quick splash of cold water to the face is the perfect pick-me-up. It’s like nature’s energy drink, minus the weird aftertaste.

Drink Up: Hydrate Like a Hero

And let’s not forget the basics. Drinking cold water can help keep you hydrated and alert. I know, I know, it’s hard to remember to drink anything other than your lukewarm, forgotten tea. But trust me on this one – keeping a bottle of chilled water handy can be a game-changer. Not only does it keep you refreshed, but it also gives your metabolism a lovely little boost.

Go full on, Go full in!

Now this may sound crazy but nothing beats getting into the cold water and fully submerge yourself. Although with that being said there are so many issues county wide with sewage water releases that I would recommend keeping clear of the sea water. You may end up with the squits.

So there you have it, my lovely lot! Next time you’re feeling worn out from the whirlwind of motherhood, give cold water a try. It’s cheap, effective, and you won’t have to sell the house to afford it. Plus, if nothing else, the shock of it will give you a laugh (or a scream), which we all know is the best medicine.

Here’s to staying cool, calm, and just a little bit crazy! Cheers! 🥂💦

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Just Jen

Hey there! I’m Jen, a UK mum with two wild boys, aged 9 and 14, and a partner I've put up with for over 20 years. I share the ups, downs, and laughs of family life, from cooking chaos to daily mishaps. Grab a cuppa and join me for a giggle through the madness!

Just Jen has 5 posts and counting. See all posts by Just Jen

Just Jen

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