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BAR Release: Stand Tall

I’m so stoked (and maybe a little nervous) to finally release my latest single, “Stand Tall,” This track is my way of throwing all my inner battles and struggles into the world—no filter, no sugar-coating. Just real, raw emotion. I’ve always believed that music is meant to connect us, and with “Stand Tall,” I wanted to create something that not only speaks to my own experience but hopefully resonates with everyone who’s out there fighting their own demons.

A Raw Anthem of Defiance and Mental Health Struggles

Mental health has been a huge part of my journey, and I won’t lie—it’s been a constant struggle. There are days when it feels like just getting out of bed and facing the world is a battle in itself. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. This world is a crazy place these days, and honestly, I don’t think there’s anyone left who isn’t struggling in some way. With “Stand Tall,” I’m opening up about my own challenges, and my hope is that anyone listening can find a bit of themselves in it too. We’re all in this together, even when it feels like we’re standing alone.

Opening Verse

From the first verse, I’m laying it all out there: “I never did do well at school, kinda guy that always fights the rules.” That’s me—never fitting the mold, always questioning everything around me, and feeling like society just isn’t built for people like us. The pressures to conform, to be what others think is “successful” or “great”—they don’t sit right with me, and I know a lot of you feel that too. But that rebellion isn’t just about being different for the sake of it—it’s about survival, about finding my own way to live when the world’s rules don’t make sense.

What really drives “Stand Tall” is the tension between how we show ourselves to the world and what’s really going on inside. You know those moments when you’re wearing a smile, but deep down you’re barely holding it together? That’s what this track is about. “You see the smile on my face as I try to get lost in the space you created… but constantly suffocated”—that’s a line that comes straight from the heart. We all put on masks to hide what we’re really feeling, but sometimes, it’s okay to admit that you’re struggling.

And man, I’ve had my fair share of those struggles. Every day can feel like a fight—whether it’s with my own mind or just trying to deal with the craziness of life. “Stand Tall” doesn’t just talk about the want to be able to stand tall in the face of it all, it’s about acknowledging the reality that sometimes, it feels impossible.

Watching from an Ivory Tower

One of the biggest themes in “Stand Tall” is about rejecting the pressure to “fit in” or follow a path that doesn’t feel right. Society wants us to work for the man, fit into these cookie-cutter boxes, and give up our dreams for a life that doesn’t serve us. “Work for the man as he watches from one of his ivory towers” is a direct shot at that system. For me, this track is about reclaiming my own power, refusing to be part of a machine that crushes individuality, and keeping space to dream and be free. And I know I’m not alone in feeling this.

Look, I’m not here to pretend I’ve got all the answers, or that life is always going to get easier. The truth is, every day can be a fight. But I hope “Stand Tall” is a reminder that you’re not alone in that fight. Mental health, society’s pressure, the weight of just existing in this crazy world—it’s a lot to deal with. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, you should never stop trying to Stand Tall.

So, here’s to all of us out there, fighting the good fight, even when the world feels like it’s pushing us down. “Stand Tall” is for you. Stream it now on all platforms, and let’s keep standing tall together—one day at a time.

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Button Addict

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