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BAR Release: Love Endlessly

I had heard the ‘Love Endlessly’ vocal sample doing the rounds on YouTube and thought I would have a go myself. Really happy with how this track came out and think it offers a different mood to the other version currently out there.

The Beat

I tried something a bit different with this beat but ended up sitting on it for a while not knowing what to do with it next.

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Love Endlessly album art

Sample Library

Browsing through my sample libraries trying to find ideas that would help fit the Beat. Whilst searching I came across this Amazing Vocal that I was sure I had heard somewhere before. Then I remembered

Where I heard it

The Artist known as Songer (Write up coming soon) used this sample pitched up in the backing of one of his tracks. Track named Endlessly is a melodic, chilled vibe.

My Version

Set with a steady beat, Enhanced by the Choir and set alive with the Electric Guitar. Add the Vocal samples and add a nice drop, Happy days

Streaming Now

Button Addict Records ‘Love Endlessly’
Available now via all major
streaming platforms

Listen now to Button Addict Records Love Endlessly on Apple Music

The Vocal sample has been used be various other artist and beat makers. The best version I found (cough, other than my own) is ‘Endlessly’ by ‘Songer’. Be sure to check that out and show Songer some love.

What do you Think?

I want to improve and become better at Music production, this is only possible with the feedback that you guys give me. Let me know what you liked and what you didn’t and help me learn, grow and ultimately become better at what I love.

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Button Addict

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