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BAR Release: Insignific#nt

When you come across someone that thinks you could not possibly get anywhere without them. The kind of person that thinks your very survival depends on them. Why not send them this track as a gentle reminder that they are just another InsignifiC#nt

How Insignificant!

Everyone has that someone in their lives that needs a reality check. Don’t be put down, don’t be made to feel small.

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Realise, see and understand, the people that put you down need to be pushed aside. If they ain’t gonna lift you up, you need to learn to let them fall, they are just Insignificant to you, your life and your progress.

Insignific#nt album art

Pissed off!

Making this track was fun. The beat kinda sounded angry but happy at the same time and didn’t know what to do with it. I remembered an old film I had watched called ‘The Boondock Saints’ (Epic film by the way). In the film there was this one line that got me.

During the film there is this scene where the Gansta screams out you Insignifi- C#nt. Just seemed right to use it in the track

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Button Addict Records
Available now via all major
streaming platforms

Listen now to Button Addict Records Insignific#nt on Apple Music

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I want to improve and become better at Music production, this is only possible with the feedback that you guys give me. Let me know what you liked and what you didn’t and help me learn, grow and ultimately become better at what I love.

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Button Addict

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