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BAR Release: Doctor

Button Addict Records BAR Release: Doctor

Life gets hard,

on that I think we can all agree. Do not panic I have discovered a way to navigate it, live it and ultimately own it. The secret is you need to find yourself a Jenna. For over 20 years this girl has been in my life and done everything in her power to help me grow, learn and become a better person.

The start of Learning to Love

I can remember the night when we first met, it was in a old pub that was known as the mitre. I was standing at the bar with my pint in hand minding my own business, then she walked in. Straight away I knew there was something about her and I wanted to know more. That is when I noticed she had a fella with her, not only that the dickhead was massaging her feet. As she was getting a foot rub of this weird little fella our eyes crossed. We both locked eyes and smiled at each other at which point I thought if only it was a different place, different time.

Seriously, for anyone that is reading this I hope that you get to find your Jenna. Honestly she is life changing.

The night progressed and as I was pissed and pretending to be able to dance. Then all of sudden she appeared in front of me. She looked me in the eyes and said “Do I know you from somewhere”. I looked back at her and simply replied “No but your gonna” and then literally pounced on her right there in the middle of the pub.

Less for Murder

Now over 20 years later I know that this chance meeting was the best thing that ever happened to me. In so many ways that night saved me. Seriously I am not able to fully express how deep my feelings run for this girl. I am eternally grateful she is a part of my life. With that all in mind here is a song I wrote for her called Doctor.

Seriously, for anyone that is reading this I hope that you get to find your Jenna. Honestly she is life changing.

Needed Help

I needed to get a feminine touch into the song and Jenna point blank refused :). so I enlisted the help of a female vocalist friend of mine ‘Bobbie Jean Matthews’ to add some backing vocals. Check out the song below, Button Addict featuring Bobbie Jean Matthews – Doctor

Listen Now, Links below

You can listen to BAR Release: Doctor on YouTube and Spotify via the provided embedded links. Alternatively it can be found on all major streaming platforms.
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Button Addict

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