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BAR Release: Broken Castle

Some things in life are hard to deal with, we all have a broken castle somewhere in our lives. That is supposed to be used as a metaphor (broken castle) The reference is actually part of my reality.

The Broken Castle

One of my earliest memories was of how lucky I was to have inside my bedroom my very own Castle. .

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Complete with its own stairway which lead up to the entrance, I had my own front door. With a shield and a sword hanging up on display I felt like I was untouchable whilst inside of its walls, I felt safe. Built by my dad when I was around the age of four, it was a place to escape from the nightmares that hounded my family on a daily basis. The nightmares caused by him.

Broken Castle album art
The Family Issue

The biggest problem in my life at such a young age was the very person that built me that castle. I still have not figured out if he did it through guilt or some version of love. leaning towards guilt as I don’t think he was capable of actual real love.

I would be forced to sit and watch as that a*sehole would set about my mum, seemingly never happy unless he drew blood. The memories will haunt me forever. I wished that the story would end there but turns out on top of being a violent, Women beating w*nk stain, he was also a predatory paedophile. Not content with the harm he had caused to my mother he set about destroying the youth of my two beautiful sisters. They were just a sad part of a wider issue as turns out his victims were many more in number, this man is a true monster. I am not a religious person but I sincerely hope that he experiences every form of hell that has every been described in every religion.

Streaming Now

Button Addict Records
‘Broken Castle’
Available now via all major
streaming platforms

Listen now to Button Addict Records Broken Castle on Apple Music

All I can do is promise that from here on out the mood will lift. I just had to get this song out there to kinda clear the air. Even though the words are personal to me I just hope that someone, somewhere can benefit from my story being shared. Peace

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Button Addict

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