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BAG Review: Sons of the Forest

A Gaming Geek review on Endnight’s amazing, Mutant invested PC survival game, The Sons of The Forest

Early Access

“The Sons of the Forest” began its journey in early access on Steam. Capturing the attention of survival game enthusiasts with its compelling premise and the promise of an even richer experience than its predecessor, “The Forest.” Early access allowed players to step into a beautifully horrific island full of mysteries and dangers, providing feedback that was crucial in shaping the game’s development. Throughout this phase, developers Endnight Games demonstrated a strong commitment to community engagement, using player insights to refine gameplay, enhance stability, and expand content.

Sons of the forest Kelvin

The V1 Update

Upon its official release, “The Sons of the Forest” had already established a solid foundation, thanks to its early access period.

The official launch brought with it the much-anticipated V1 update, which polished many of the game’s features, enhanced the AI of both allies and enemies, and introduced additional content to enrich the narrative and gameplay depth. This update marked a significant milestone, showcasing a matured version of the game that was ready to offer a more complete and thrilling survival experience.

Sons of the forest building example

Building Mechanics

Building and crafting are at the heart of “The Sons of the Forest.” The game elevates these mechanics by providing a more intuitive and flexible building system compared to its predecessor.

Players can construct everything from simple shelters to complex bases using the resources gathered from the surrounding environment. The system is both accessible for beginners and deep enough to satisfy seasoned architects, allowing for creative constructions that are not only functional but also visually impressive. The physics-based building mechanics mean that every structure must be planned and constructed with care to withstand the elements and enemy attacks, adding a layer of strategy to the survival experience.

sons of the forest mutant enemy
Other Enticing Features!
Dynamic Environment and Ecosystem:

Dynamic Environment and Ecosystem: The island in “The Sons of the Forest” is a living, breathing world. Its dynamic weather system, day-night cycle, and responsive wildlife add layers of realism and challenge.

Players must adapt to the changing conditions, hunt or befriend wildlife, and use the environment to their advantage.

sons of the forest image
Survival Elements:

Beyond building, survival requires managing hunger, thirst, and health. Crafting tools and weapons, gathering food, and securing safe drinking water are constant concerns, making every decision significant in the struggle to stay alive.

Cooperative Gameplay:

Players can choose to brave the island alone or team up with friends in cooperative multiplayer. This adds a social element to the game, where communication and teamwork can make the difference between survival and demise.

sons of the forest image

Mystery and Exploration:

The island is filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered. From underground labs to hidden caves, exploring is rewarded with new resources, narrative elements, and sometimes, new dangers.


“The Sons of the Forest” offers a compelling blend of survival mechanics, strategic building, and narrative intrigue, all set within a beautifully menacing environment that challenges and rewards in equal measure. Whether you’re a veteran of “The Forest” or a newcomer to the survival genre, this game promises a rich, engaging experience that evolves continuously with each update. The V1 release not only polished existing features but also expanded the world in meaningful ways, ensuring that the survival adventure remains fresh and exciting.

The Button Addict is a massive fan of this game and as such he adds related content directly on the website.
Click here to visit the Sons of the Forest Category for more information.

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Gaming Geek

I'm The Gaming Geek, a 19-year-old gamer hailing from the vibrant city of London. When I'm not smashing through levels on my PC, I'm diving deep into the latest game releases to bring you top-notch reviews, killer hints, and pro tips. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, I'm here to share the best of the gaming world with you. From epic RPGs to fast-paced shooters, I've got you covered. Let's level up together and make every game session legendary!

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