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BAG Review: Rust, more than just a survival game!

Rust,” developed by Facepunch Studios, is not just a game; it’s a brutal survival experience that throws players into a hostile environment with one simple directive: survive. Since its initial release on PC and its subsequent expansion to consoles, “Rust” has cultivated a dedicated following and remains a popular title within the survival genre, despite being considered “old” by some gaming standards. Let’s dive into what makes “Rust” a compelling, must-play game for newcomers and veterans alike.

Gameplay and Mechanics

At its core, “Rust” is a game about starting from nothing and fighting to stay alive. Players wake up on a mysterious island with no more than a rock and a torch to their names. From these humble beginnings, you must gather resources, craft items, and build shelters to protect yourself from the elements, wildlife, and, most crucially, other players.

The environment in “Rust” is beautifully harsh. The game cycles through day and night, with a dynamic weather system that can impact your ability to gather resources or remain hidden. The wildlife is also a constant threat, ranging from wolves to bears, each adding layers of danger as you explore the expansive open world.

But the real threat—and thrill—comes from interactions with other players. “Rust” is infamous for its player-versus-player (PvP) combat. Alliances can be formed and broken, leading to intense, often unexpected, conflicts. Trust is a valuable commodity in “Rust,” rarely given and easily shattered. This social aspect keeps the gameplay fresh and unpredictable, as player actions and decisions significantly impact the course of each session.

Building and Crafting

“Rust” features a robust building system where players can construct everything from simple hideouts to fortified compounds. The crafting system is equally comprehensive, allowing the creation of weapons, armor, and tools necessary for survival. As players progress, they can access better materials and technology, gradually improving their living conditions and chances of survival.

Graphics and Performance

“Rust” offers a gritty, realistic art style that complements its survival theme. The graphics have been periodically updated since its release, ensuring that the game still looks contemporary. On PC, the game benefits from higher frame rates and better resolutions, depending on your hardware setup, which can be crucial for spotting enemies or wildlife before they spot you.

Console Release

The release of “Rust” on consoles has opened up the game to a broader audience. While the console version captures much of the PC version’s essence, it has been tailored to fit the console environment. This includes optimized controls and interface adjustments to cater to gamepads. However, it’s worth noting that the console versions might experience performance limitations compared to a high-end PC setup, particularly during large-scale encounters.

Community and Longevity

One of “Rust’s” greatest strengths is its vibrant community. Servers can be highly customized, and many host events or themed gameplay to keep the environment engaging. The developers also continue to support the game with updates, new content, and balance tweaks, which helps maintain a healthy player base.


“Rust” is a testament to the enduring appeal of well-crafted survival games. It offers a challenging and engaging experience that requires wit, will, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing threats. For newcomers, “Rust” promises not just a game, but a journey through a cycle of survival, construction, and inevitable conflict. Whether you’re a PC gamer or a console player, “Rust” provides a beautifully unforgiving world where every new life is a fresh story waiting to unfold, making it a deserving staple in the survival genre and a game that continues to stand the test of time.

Recommended Streamer!

To find out more information and to see the game in action I highly recommend the popular streamer known as ‘Memeio‘. He has created some amazing Rust content that is very informative but also knows how to have a laugh along the way. Check out a couple of Memeio’s YouTube videos below.

So, if you’re ready to take on the challenge of surviving a ruthless world where every friend could be a foe and every new dawn might be your last, “Rust” is waiting for you.

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Gaming Geek

I'm The Gaming Geek, a 19-year-old gamer hailing from the vibrant city of London. When I'm not smashing through levels on my PC, I'm diving deep into the latest game releases to bring you top-notch reviews, killer hints, and pro tips. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, I'm here to share the best of the gaming world with you. From epic RPGs to fast-paced shooters, I've got you covered. Let's level up together and make every game session legendary!

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