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Artist: Hytop

Hytop, A Moroccan Artist/Producer with a passion for Slap House, Deep House and Synthwave but also bridges gaps into other genres such as Orchestra, Rock and even a bit of DnB and Dubstep.

The Resilient Journey of Hytop

In the quiet isolation of early 2020, amidst the global standstill caused by the pandemic, a new sound was brewing in Morocco. Adnane, a young, ambitious producer/artist known to the world as Hytop, discovered his passion and knack for electronic music.

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Fuelled by his fascination with Monstercat’s vibrant tracks, Hytop dove headfirst into the world of music production. His journey began with the discovery of FL Studio on March 25, 2020, marking the start of what would become a defining chapter in his life.

Hytop’s initial steps in music production were challenging. The complexity of FL Studio was daunting at first, but his determination didn’t waver. Devouring tutorial after tutorial, he spent two weeks mastering the basics, though crafting a complete song still felt out of reach.

Persistence led to his breakthrough with the release of his first track, “Illusion,” just a little over a month into his music-making venture. This milestone wasn’t just a release; it was a surge of motivation.


Over the months, Hytop’s skills sharpened rapidly. What once took months could now be done in days. His production timeline impressively shortened, allowing him to create full songs within a mere one to two days. However, just as his ascent seemed unstoppable, disaster struck. A year into his journey, a malicious plugin downloaded off the internet wiped his entire project library. The loss was devastating—every sound, plugin, and project gone in an instant.

The blow was nearly career-ending, but Hytop’s resolve was bolstered by the unwavering support of friends. Their encouragement was the lifeline he needed to rebuild from scratch.

His comeback was marked by “Don’t you feel me,” his first track featuring vocals, which signaled not just a return, but a transformation in his music. This track wasn’t just another release—it was a testament to his resilience and growth.


Today, Hytop’s portfolio is a diverse mix of genres, primarily focusing on Slap House, Deep House, and Synthwave, yet he doesn’t shy away from experimenting with Orchestra, Rock, Dubstep, and Drum and Bass.

His adaptability and willingness to explore new territories in music reflect his creative spirit.

Words of Advice

For those looking to follow in his footsteps, Hytop has a piece of simple yet profound advice: “The first step is the hardest, and never give up.”

Listeners worldwide can enjoy Hytop’s dynamic range of music on platforms like Spotify, where his unique blends of sounds continue to garner admiration. With every track, Hytop not only shares his music but also his journey of continuous learning and undying passion.

His story is not just about music; it’s about the power of perseverance and the undying human spirit.

Hytop Music Links

SpotifyApple MusicYouTubeInstagram

Hytop’s story is a beacon for all young artists navigating the intricate paths of music production, showing that with perseverance and support, every setback can be turned into a stepping stone for success.

I myself have now become a fan and look forward to watching his talents grow along with his release catalogue.

Without a doubt The Button Addict Recommends, Adnane aka Hytop

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