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Artist: Hezco

Harry Goldup also known as the artist named Hezco started out rapping from a young age. He used the art form as a way to escape the mundane daily routine of life and also as a way to get his thoughts and feelings out.


This has led to a passion for writing, a passion that continues to see him dedicate his time to use his art as a way of getting his stories heard.

When I first met Harry as I was introduced to him by a mutual connection. Hearing the way he put his thoughts into rhyme impressed me. Having just started out on my own journey I was sure that we could make some good music together.

At this early stage Harry didn’t even have a name and I can remember all sitting around trying to come up with something that would fit and represent. The full explanation as to how it came about can be saved for another time but we ended up landing on ‘Hezco’.

I got to work on some beats and Hez did what he does best and took pen to paper, before you knew it we had put together his debut single


Since then we have worked together several times and released several other tracks with one of my personal favs being living just to die.

Living just to die!

As much as I had helped Hezco in the beginning to get his first tracks out there and released. I can’t thank him enough for trusting in me which gave me the confidence I needed to continue to learn and grow myself.

Don’t think I would have made it this far if it was not for the experience in helping to introduce Hezco

Working with H!

Really fun guy to work with and look forward to working together again in the future. Be sure to check out Hez’s current projects and support him where you can.

Expect big things from this UK based rapper as he solidifies his identity and grows as an independent artist. Looking forward to seeing what’s next from big H

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Button Addict Records Recommends the UK Rap Artist known as Hezco

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