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Emerging Artist, New Music Gateway

Just a quick post to let you all know about the new section that has been added to the website (New Music Gateway).

Welcome to New Music Gateway: Your Portal to Hidden Musical Gems

Hey music lovers,

We’re excited to introduce New Music Gateway (NMG), your go-to destination for discovering fresh and underrated musical talents from across the globe. With NMG, our mission is to unearth hidden gems from the vast sea of social media, giving a well-deserved shout-out to the artists who capture our hearts and ears.

What We Do

We scour the internet, diving deep into social media platforms to find the most promising new artists. When we find someone truly special, we don’t just give them a mention; we conduct an in-depth interview to bring you closer to their story, their journey, and their music. Ultimately help you discover new artists that deserve a spot on your playlist.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Artists: If you’re an artist looking for a platform to share your music with a wider audience, we’d love to hear from you! If selected you will be contact for interview – See HERE for details
  • Readers: Know an artist who deserves more recognition? Recommend them to us, and help us support their journey. Whether it’s your friend, a local band, or someone you stumbled upon online, we want to hear about them!

At BAR, we believe in the power of independent music. We’re dedicated to supporting artists from all genres and backgrounds, nurturing their growth and helping them shine. Our goal is to build a community where talented musicians can find the support they need to succeed, and where music lovers can discover their next favourite artist.

Support independent artists. Support growth. Support music.

Join us as we celebrate the incredible talent that’s waiting to be discovered!

Learn more and apply now

With love and music, The Button Addict

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Button Addict

Hi, I'm the Button Addict, the creator behind This is my digital playground where I share my passions for music, gaming, and entertaining content. Together with my amazing team of contributors, we're building a vibrant community where creativity and passion come first. Dive in and enjoy!

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The Button Addict

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