Show Your Studio!

Do you have an inspirational home studio setup that you’re proud of? We want to see it! Whether you’re a bedroom producer, a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, we’d love to feature your creative space on our website. Here’s your chance to share your gear, your workflow, and your music with a community of like-minded creators.

How to Participate

Take some Pics and/or Videos:
Snap some high-quality images of your studio. Show off your gear, your workspace, and anything else that makes your setup unique.

Describe your Setup:
Tell us about your studio. What’s the vibe? What inspires you? How did you put it all together?

List your Hardware and Software:
Give us the lowdown on your gear. Include everything from your DAW and plugins to your instruments and MIDI controllers. Don’t forget those hidden gems that make your setup special! Be sure to let us know which items you simply could not live without and why.

Share your Music:
If you want to, provide links to your tracks, albums, or playlists. We’re excited to hear what you’ve been creating in your space and to sharing it with our readers.

Submission Guidelines

Quality Photos:
Make sure your Images/Videos are clear and well-lit. A little effort goes a long way in showing off your studio!

Detailed Descriptions:
The more you tell us, the better. We want to know about your journey, your challenges, and your triumphs.

Gear Lists:
Be as comprehensive as possible. Include brand names, models, and any modifications you’ve made.

Music Links:
You can share links to any platform where your music is available – YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes etc.

How to Submit

Email your submissions to [email protected]. Please include “Home Studio Feature” in the subject line. If your submission is selected, we’ll get in touch with you for any additional details we might need.

We’re looking forward to seeing your creative spaces and sharing them with our community. Let’s celebrate the amazing world of home studios together!

Stay creative,
That Studio Guy –