BA VisionBAV ArticleJust Jen

Keeping Kids Busy and off the Xbox

Hey, parents! Need quick ways to keep the kids entertained after school? fed up of looking through into the kids room only to see them staring into the screen with controller in hand! Here are some easy and fun ideas that might help drag them back to reality and off their Xbox

Kitchen Creations

Let the kids free in to the kitchen! are you serious!!! but honestly this is an amazing way to not only teach your kids the basic principles of cooking but also bond. Perhaps start small like I did with some basic fairy cakes, then if you are feeling brave move onto something a little more spectacular. Expect mess but enjoy the memories made, not forgetting the food.

Garden adventures

Turning the garden into a mini-adventure is a blast! We grabbed our shovels, put on our wellies, and dug for treasure. The boys squealed with delight at the wiggly worms. We made glorious mud pies and decorated “mud cakes” with leaves, laughing the whole time. Covered in mud but full of joy. It can turn an ordinary day into something magical. Those messy moments remind us that the best adventures are right in our own backyard.

Craft Time

Breaking out the glitter and glue for arts and crafts is brilliant! We got the boys to make robots, masks, and comic books, letting their imaginations run wild. Glitter ended up everywhere—on the table, in our hair, and even on the dog. Their creations were fantastic, and we spent hours crafting, laughing, and getting messy. It was a magical afternoon, reminding me how wonderful it is to let their imaginations soar.

DIY Obstacle Course

Creating an obstacle course with pillows, chairs, and blankets is a fantastic idea! When we set up a course they leapt over pillows, crawled under chairs, and navigated through blanket tunnels with glee. outside we even made a bottle-throwing game, adding an extra challenge. Laughter filled as they timed each other and added new twists to the course. It was a perfect way to stay active and have fun, turning a simple afternoon into an exciting adventure.

Board Games

If you like headaches and family arguments, why not introduce the kids to classic games like Monopoly or Snakes and Ladders? It’s a fun, sneaky way to teach strategy and patience. We dusted off the old board games and settled in for some good, old-fashioned family fun. The boys quickly got into the spirit, plotting their moves and celebrating their victories. Sure, there were a few squabbles over rules and plenty of dramatic sighs, but that’s all part of the charm.

Park Play

If you don’t get out, you might just kill the kids! (only joking, or am I?) Why not head to the park for some much-needed fresh air and fun. With a football, frisbee, and plenty of energy, your ready for a great time. The boys dash around, kicking the football and throwing the frisbee with all their might. Their dad and I even join in, chasing after them and laughing at our attempts to keep up. The fresh air and open space worked wonders, and soon enough, the stress melted away. It is a perfect way to burn off energy and enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes, a simple trip to the park is all you need to turn a potentially chaotic day into a fantastic family adventure.

Final Thoughts

By the end of your park adventures, you should all be happily exhausted, and the Xbox should be the last thing on the boys’ minds. These simple activities—whether it’s creating obstacle courses, diving into arts and crafts, or a good old park run-around—have been our secret weapon for keeping the kids off their screens.

Do you have any creative ideas for keeping the kids engaged and active? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks! Share your thoughts and let’s keep the fun going together.

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Just Jen

Hey there! I’m Jen, a UK mum with two wild boys, aged 9 and 14, and a partner I've put up with for over 20 years. I share the ups, downs, and laughs of family life, from cooking chaos to daily mishaps. Grab a cuppa and join me for a giggle through the madness!

Just Jen has 6 posts and counting. See all posts by Just Jen

Just Jen

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